Sunday, January 30, 2011

Word of Welcome

Greetings to you all! Beginning tonight, January 30th, we will begin a new phase in the life and ministry of McFarlin Church. This church’s history is no doubt rich and vibrant, bearing witness to the power of the Holy Spirit in the community of The University of Oklahoma, the city of Norman, and across the globe. The mission of our congregation is to respond to God’s call, to seek to live lives shaped by Christ, to reach people for Christ, and to develop deeply committed Christians.

Over the course of the past year, our pastors and staff have been praying, discerning, and heeding God’s call for our congregation to increase its focus on disciple making – for our children, youth, and adults. However, becoming a disciple does not occur ad hoc. As Methodists, our heritage and understanding of Scripture inform us that becoming a disciple is not only a process, but that it is a specific type of process; that there are methods (ever wonder why we’re called Methodists?) or systematic approaches to developing disciples.  

We are not just focused on developing deeply committed Christians, but rather developing disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We believe that the way we approach adult discipleships is through a series of courses and service opportunities called “The Movement.” It is our job to help each adult, from the time they leave high school until they enter the church triumphant, KNOW God, GROW in faith, and LIVE life transformed.

In this space, you can follow summaries of the lessons from the courses which we believe most effectively equip and teach people to KNOW, GROW, and LIVE. More importantly, you can follow the stories of men and women, youth and children, pastors and staff, as they experience the movement of God’s grace and become agents of that grace to the world.

I invite you now, on behalf of the leadership of McFarlin, in conjunction with the United Methodist Church, and for the sake of The Gospel, to come and join The Movement!

Michael C. Andres
Director of Discipleship